DDQC will bring together researchers with backgrounds in operations management, statistics, stochastic modelling, data science and control to discuss contemporary queueing-related challenges.The first two online workshops were held in 2021 and 2022.
Participating organizations
Applied Probability Trust
The Applied Probability Trust is a not-for-profit foundation for study and research in the mathematical sciences. It was founded in 1964 with the initial support of the London Mathematical Society.The Applied Probability Trust editorial office is located within the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sheffield, where it was established during Joe Gani’s (founding Trustee) professorship between 1965 and 1974.
The Applied Probability Trust’s main focus is the management of its flagship journals: The Journal of Applied Probability and Advances in Applied Probability. Find out how to submit an article to either of these journals here.
Eurandom is a workshop centre, based at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Eindhoven University of Technology.
The mission of Eurandom is to foster research in Stochastics and its application areas. This mission is achieved by an extensive workshop and visitor program. These activities are mainly organized around three thematic pillars
- Random Spatial Structures (RSS)
- Queueing & Performance Analysis (QPA)
- Statistical Information Modeling (SIM)
Important assets are the series of workshops for and by young researchers: YESP (Young European Stochastic Professionals), around each of the three above mentioned thematic pillars.

NETWORKS is a 10-year programme funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science through the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research.
NETWORKS is a consortium of 50 researchers from 4 institutions: University of Amsterdam (UvA), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Leiden University (UL) and the Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI). The programme started in the Summer of 2014 and covers a broad range of topics dealing with stochastic and algorithmic aspects of networks. The aim of the programme is to address the pressing challenges posed by large-scale networks. The focus is on modelling, understanding, controlling and optimizing networks that are complex and highly volatile.
The Swedish Research Council is a government agency within the Ministry of Education and Research. The Council funds research and research infrastructure in all scientific disciplines and advises to the Government on research policy issues and work to increase understanding of the long-term societal benefits of research.